Sunday, October 26, 2008

Future of

What will the future of be? I certainly think it is an enjoyable website...a way to see great artists, musicians and vintage Colorado in one place. I also think there is a lot of potential. Videos could be produced. Programming, interviews, a calendar, reviews, items for sale, and more. But perhaps I will need to look for a business model, or business partner? I think there is potential.

I actually think it would make a great concept for a store - in tourist areas such as the 16th Street Mall, in Aspen, Steamboat, or other places. This store could sell original art work as seen on the website, along with music, furniture, books and vintage items. If any entrenpreneurs are out there, let me know if you are interested in a partnership!

What would you like to see? A store? A calendar? A message board? More artists? Items for sale? Video stories? If you have ideas, please pass them along. Thanks.

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